1959: Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz became dictator.He banned free speech and imprisoned his opponents. All political parties were dissolved. Castro announced plans to "exterminate capitalism".
1960-1978:More than 700,000 Cuban fled to the United States and Mexico. Many sailed secretly from Cuba in boats, some of which were apprehended by the Cuban navy before reached abroad.
1960-2007:Blacks suffered many forms of discrimination. The poverty rate among blacks is almost two times that of general population.
1960-1988:Ever Peñalver Mazorra spent 28 years in prison for his opposition to the communist dictatorship. He was leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and democracy in Cuba. Peñalver was the world´s oldest and longest-standing black political prisoner of conscience. Like the South African leader Nelson Mandela, Ever Peñalver Mazorra is a symbol of heroic and peaceful resistance in the face of oppression.
1960-2007:Vilma Espín Guillois proclaimed herself president of the Federation of Cuban Women, one of the most powerful organizations in the country.Born into the upper middle class, she studied chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).After of living in the United States, she returned to Cuba when Fidel Castro came to power.She made pro-Castro campaign by all Cuban territory. Espin´s rule was characterized by ruthless and brutal totalitarism and women´s rights violations. Her best friends were madame Elena Ceausescu (first lady of Romania) and Rosario Murillo de Ortega (first lady of Nicaragua).She, who had French ancestry, died on June 18,2007, in Havana.
1961:Like Bulgaria and Poland, Cuba was declared a socialist state.
1961:All American businesses were eventually expropriated. After expelling the Americans, Fidel Castro used the money from their business to reward friends who were loyal to him.
1962:Cuban citizens need official permission to accept work, change jobs, move, or travel abroad.
1962:Fidel Castro created an aggressive regime of agricultural reform. His political social experiment claimed the lives of countless Cubans. They worked the sugar plantations like slaves.
1963: The Cuban Revolution created a strong anti-U.S. stance.
1963-1980: The communists destroyed many churches, made schools of other, and arrested or killed many church leaders who refused to follow communism. Some were sent to mental hospitals.
1964:Fidel Castro set up organizations for young people between the ages of 8 and 16.The communists taught children to spy on their own families and friends and report anti-communist criticism they might hear.
1964:After Leonid Brezhnev became secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, Soviet financial and military aid to Cuba´s dictatorship increased.The Soviet Union also sent military advisers to help the dictatorship.Cuba became a Soviet colony.
1965-1990:Soviet development of its Caribbean colony was extensive in areas such as culture, railroads, olympic sports, public health, agricultural research, education and literacy. The enormous increase in sugar cane production is considered to be one of the most spectacular achievements of Soviet colonization.
1966-1985:Some of the Soviet Union´s best coaches came to Cuba and opened sports schools. These schools attracted students from all parts of the country.
1967-1990: Havana and other Cuban cities. Ernesto Guevara´s image was displayed everywhere -in every home, university, school and factory.
1972-1990:Relations with the People´s Republic of China deteriorated, with disagreements on foreign affairs and ideology. Different from Cuba and Czechoslovakia, China did not break diplomatic relations with Chile (1973-1990).Fidel Castro critized Mao Tse-tung and began a program to dishonor him. He accused Mao of murdering innocent people and of faulty leadership.
1973: After the military coup against Salvador Allende (President of Chile), Fidel Castro called for Third World countries to apply sanctions against Chile.
1976: Another Constitution was adopted in this year.
1977-1981:Cuban arms aid and advisers were sent to several Third World countries (Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Suriname, Somalia and Grenada).
1978-1988:Cuba sent 5,000 troops to Ethiopia to assist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam in opposing Eritrean rebels. Fidel Castro endorsed Ethiopian statehood without mentioning Eritrea´s right to exist.
1980:With the tacit approval of Fidel Castro´s dictatorship, the United States absorbed more than 100,000 Cuban refugees (best known as "Marielitos").Castro also sent many criminals and mentally ill people.
1985:Fidel Castro advocate peaceful co-existence with the terrorist states (Lybia, North Korea, Iran and Syria).
1983: Pan American Games.Four Cuban athletes were disqualified from competition for using banned drugs to increase their performance. They were Maria Cristina Betancourt, Mayra Vila, Daniel Nuñez and Alberto Blanco.
1988: Fidel Castro called for a boycott of the Olympic Games. However, 30 Eastern bloc nations to sent athletes to the Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.
1992:Jorge Esquivel defected to Italy and soon joined the San Francisco Ballet. Esquivel was one of the world´s leading ballet dancers.
1999:Pan American Games. Cuban athlete Javier Sotomayor Sanabria lost his gold medal in the men´s high jump after testing positive for a drug of abuse. Javier Sotomayor was the best athlete of the Cuban Revolution.
2000: The secret police, or Direccion General de Inteligencia (General Intelligence Directorate), enforced strict loyalty to Castro´s policies on all levels of live. It is also active abroad, spying on Cubans.
2005:Cuba is one of the few countries in the world with a communist dictatorship, which has been led by Fidel Castro since 1959.
2006:While serving as dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz contracted cancer. Raul Castro Ruz succeeded his brother as dictator. Previously he was the world´s longest-serving defence minister.
2007-:Raul Castro continued the basically conservative policies of his predecessor.
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