Friday, December 31, 2010

CCSVI BEFORE, 60 hours POST 80 hours Post accumulation Stairs

as of 6/19/2010, on morning we left Bulgaria... Patrick did 4 flights of stairs (staircase of 84 hour post) spontaneously vs. using the elevator, using one hand on rail and only one loss of balance-and he regained that loss of balance on his own.... went up the stairs in a "normal" pace...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Value For Money - Travel 2010

Despite belts remaining tightened, 2010 is a year in which 80 per cent of Brits are planning on taking at least one holiday according to a recent report from Thomson. Indeed, as proclaimed by STA travel, this year will see the rise of the two week adventure holiday. According to the group there has been a sharp rise in the number of people planning action-packed two-week breaks, marking a clear departure from the 'staycation,' last year's top travel trend. Commenting on 26th January, as official figures revealed that the country had exited recession, Association of Independent Tour Operators (AITO) spokesman Ian Bradley said that travellers who forwent a holiday last year will be keen on heading abroad this year: "Most people will be looking for sun and for value. Places like North Africa and the Middle East will probably give you that..." There is no doubt that 'value' will be the operative word for 2010.

Firstly, it goes without saying that destinations outside the eurozone offer the best value on holiday money because they offer the best currency exchange rates. The 'White Med' in northern Egypt is especially enticing at present as it's crystal clear waters, pristine beaches, cultural heritage, and leisure and sport activities are available at excellent value and set to be easily accessible with new direct flights from Gatwick and Manchester commencing on 30th March. Jamaica has become the most affordable long haul destination this year with the pound strengthening against the Jamaican dollar in recent months. Sarah Munro, head of Post Office Travel Services, noted that there has been a 24 per cent rise in sterling against the Jamaican currency in the past 12 months, making the Caribbean country far more affordable to visit. Research from the group also revealed St Lucia to be the most expensive of the top four most popular Caribbean islands. On the other side of the globe, tourists planning a trip down under will get an incredible experience for their money according to Tourism Western Australia. Elen Thomas, UK PR manager for the tourism board, said that resorts in Exmouth and Coral Bay offer great budget accommodation options while still providing the unforgettable holiday experience one would expect from a visit to Australia. "It is still roughly two dollars to the pound and the experience of swimming with such a wide variety of marine life in an area which has remained so pristine and undeveloped is extraordinary," commented Thomas.

Closer to home, Spain's position as one of the most popular holiday destinations is unlikely to change while it continues to offer exceptional value for money, has claimed. Commenting recently, Francesca Ecsery, global sales director of the price comparison site, said the country's reliable warm weather, vibrant culture and beautiful natural landscape make it an attractive destination at any price, but its affordability has made it a hugely popular destination for Brits. "Consumers will get the best value on Spanish holidays by being flexible on time, flexible on destination and travelling out of peak season," she said, adding that by choosing to travel in late summer, holidaymakers could save as much as 70 per cent on ticket prices compared to peak-season costs. According to a recent Post Office Travel Services report, Spain is now the cheapest holiday destination in the eurozone. Balkan countries, such as Croatia and Slovenia, also offer an exciting and cost-effective travel experience. Simon Calder, senior travel editor at the Independent, however identified Albania as a particularly popular destination offering exceptional value for those planning a holiday on a shoestring.

For those looking to get away for a value ski holiday this winter should be looking in the same region. Bulgaria has emerged as a great destination for ski-enthusiasts looking to hit the pistes on a budget. Anthony Chenery, travel expert at Teletext Holidays, said that the winter travel market has suffered in recent years because many view skiing as a secondary holiday and when holiday money is hard to come by it is these trips that are likely to be sidelined. However, he added: "The good news for customers is that operators, to stimulate demand, have been cutting their prices quite significantly, which is great news if you want to go skiing as there are some excellent deals to be had." In addition to Bulgaria, Andorra was also identified as a leading bargain winter travel destination.

There are therefore plenty of affordable destinations to be enjoyed this year and increasingly so as the pound beings to strengthen against the euro, if rather shakily. In order to get the best value travellers will benefit from taking the time to research foreign currency exchange rates online for their chosen destination and, in so doing, avoid uncompetitive high-street rates.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Global Property Hotspots

Property can make you big money but how do you know which are the best places to buy? Our global property guide picks out the top property hotspots.

We buy property for many different reasons - traditionally, of course, we tended to buy houses to act as homes. They were purely places where we'd live - we often expected to spend our entire lives in one house.

Times have changed. Property is now seen as a great investment - we can buy property with the expectation of it rising in value. Many of us can now dream of owning our own property portfolio, whether at home or abroad. Indeed, we can also dream of buying a second home or a holiday home overseas.

In this article we take a look at some property hotspots - locations where the housing market has performed strongly and that would also allow you to enjoy a great lifestyle.

Our first choice might surprise some. We think that Bulgaria offers some great potential returns on investment, with house prices having almost doubled in some areas in the last five years. Many speculators are looking to the Black Sea resorts to buy excellent properties, while the ski resorts (such as Bansko) offer some great rental returns.

As Bulgaria's economy has been developing, it's links with the rest of Europe have also improved. Bulgaria was recently given admission to the European Union and also benefits from some vastly improved transport links, including cheap flights to some leading western European cities.

Our second choice as a property hotspot is maybe less surprising - the United Kingdom. The UK's property market continues to defy many experts, with property prices rising at an annual rate of approximately 10%. Although London prices are now extremely high (possibly too high for many US investors given the relative strength of the dollar) there are plenty of investment opportunities close to the capital.

Some leading areas are Basingstoke, Woking, Winchester, Salisbury, Oxford and the commuter towns of Essex.

With a highly developed and regulated property market (relatively speaking), the UK does offer some great investment opportunities for overseas investors.

For those wishing to take a bigger risk with their property investment (in the hope of seeing higher returns), the developing market of Brazil offers some opportunities. Though the housing market is in its relatively early stages, Brazil does have some great benefits, including a very appealing climate and some low-level entry prices. It may offer a particular gap in the investment market for American investors, given their close proximity to Brazil when compared to Europeans.

We hope we've given you a taster of some of the world's leading property opportunities. Good luck with your future investments.

Monday, December 27, 2010

NEW BULGARIAN HIT 2010 Andrea & Ilian Ne gi pravi tia raboti

Andrea i Ilijan - Ne gi pravi tija raboti official video Payner msuc Bulgaria 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery - Why Women Are Looking Abroad For a Beautiful Body

In a world where every woman feels under duress to look their best, many ladies are choosing cosmetic surgery to assist them in looking more youthful and healthier. Combating the march of the years is the thinking behind choosing to undergo surgery, and even young women are seeking cosmetic help to assist them in looking better.

The pressure comes partly from seeing attractive celebrities and women on TV each day. Just walking about in public or driving your car means that you'll more than likely see a billboard with someone beautiful on it. Flip through the pages of a magazine to find loads of immaculate looking, slim women. Enter any beauticians or make-up shop to be hit with yet more pictures of perfectly sculpted bodies.

The majority of people can ignore these images of beauty in the press, since most people know full well that they can't all resemble Scarlet Johansen. That said, with the plethora of new and cost-effective methods to get a new look, more people are choosing surgery to improve their looks. Indeed, more than 20 million US citizens chose some variety of cosmetic surgery in 2006.

Cheaper flights abroad have helped drive this increase in people traveling to get cheaper cosmetic surgery. This increase in medical tourism is seeing people head overseas to get great deals in countries like Thailand and Brazil. Many people choose to head abroad accompanied by a friend or family member at a cost which would not even cover the operation itself in their country of residence.

Non-invasive Cosmetic Surgery

The most popular procedure is facial reconstructive procedures, such as Botox. Ladies can travel, have Botox treatment to help wrinkles vanish, have chemical surgery to remove skin damaged by the sun or undergo microdermabrasion to increase the health of the skin. These kinds of procedures are favorites because they are non-intrusive and highly affordable to many.

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic treatments which need actual surgery are also increasing in popularity, and breast enhancement operations are among the most common operations. A woman can have a quick procedure and be back in their home country in short order. Women can also undergo other treatments to help them have firm bodies without the need to put themselves through hell in the gym. Liposuction remains a fashionable treatment for slimming, and the majority of women report satisfaction with treatments carried out overseas.

The perfect body is the goal for some females, while a face that they are happy with is the target for others. Medical tourism is becoming increasingly popular as a means of helping people achieve body perfection. Women can now vanish abroad for a couple of weeks and come back home slimmer and prettier.

Many women also have cosmetic procedures to amend congenital imperfections or to repair their bodies following accidents.

Top 10 motivations for cosmetic procedures:

Getting bigger breasts
Remove fat from stomach, thighs, hips or posterior
Remove excess skin from stomach after losing weight
To level wrinkles on the face
To get rid of unwanted hair
To remove a bump off the nose
To straighten bent noses
To get rid of eye bags
To enhance sun-damaged skin
To boost lips

What to think about before going ahead

It's worth considering a few things before you go ahead with cosmetic surgery. First, is it safe? Any surgery carries a level of risk so do some research before deciding.

Where is the best place to have a treatment done? It will most likely be a private hospital in a foreign country. It's well worth investigating the clinic and the surgeon who will probably carry out the procedure in advance.

Also think about what other methods you could choose other than cosmetic surgery before taking the plunge. You don't want to make an uninformed leap only to find that you regret it afterward.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bas Rutten - Fitness Routine

Bas Rutten's power workout from his instructional tape "Extreme Pancrase" - if you like this one buy the whole series - you will find more intresting stuff there. More videos on

Friday, December 24, 2010

Should You Invest in Overseas Real Estate?

Here are two propositions for you - you decide which one you like better.

Proposition One: Invest in spectacular real estate in an exotic location like Bulgaria, Malaysia or even a condo on a cruise ship. Proposition Two: Put your money into a rental property investment far from your home, in a country where you don't speak the language, don't know anything about the laws or the government, and can only get to with two days of travel at a cost of more than $1,000.

The first proposition sounds a lot better, doesn't it? But these are actually just two different ways of looking at the same deal. Sales pitches for overseas property investments focus on the "heart" aspects of the proposed deal - the glamour and status of owning property in a place your friends have never even heard of, much less ever visited. The "head" aspects, which go much further to determining if you will recover the cost of your original investment, or earn a tidy profit, aren't mentioned.

On a purely rational basis, investing in your own country usually makes much more sense than investing overseas. Overseas investments only make sense in certain very special cases, for a small percentage of investors that meet certain qualifications (which I'll describe later).

I am writing from the perspective of an American investor, so if you don't live in the United States, the same conditions apply - but in reverse. I think American investors usually should invest in the United States, for common-sense reasons. On the other hand, if you live in Europe, a Bulgarian investment probably makes much more sense than investing anywhere in the United States. It will certainly be less risky on every level. (I am also not singling out any particular overseas area as bad for investment. I picked these examples at random, but they are all heavily promoted for property investment.) The added risks in overseas investing come because you must rely much more on the honesty of both the property seller, and the property manager. (For most overseas investments that are promoted heavily in the US, the seller and property manager are partners, or even the same company.)

Consider: your first job in evaluating a deal is to look at the area surrounding the property. If you are buying year-round rental property, you want the area to show strong job growth, because job growth is the single biggest indicator in predicting future growth in real estate values. If you are buying vacation property, you want a relatively undeveloped area that is becoming "hot", with a stable local and national government, good travel options, and very good weather.

If the potential deal is in your country, you have options to make an independent review. You can find stories about the area in local and national media, read up on the local government, and even call local experts. You can even look up complaints and comments about the seller and property manager. With an overseas investment, you may not be able to find newspapers and web sites that cover the area and report in your language. And good luck calling a local official or expert for information!

Long-distance property investors should always visit the areas where they are investing. There should be at least one visit before the first deal is made, and another visit every six months to a year afterwards to make sure the property is being managed and maintained properly. Just the travel costs of these visits make many overseas investments financially unworkable. Consider that you can get from one corner to the other of the US for less than $400 at almost any time of the year. On the other hand, going from Boston to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, costs $2,300 - minimum. And the cheapest flights take nearly 42 hours each way.

Faced with these added costs to the bottom line, many overseas investors simply choose not to visit their investments, before or after making the deal. Once again, they must rely on the honesty of the seller and the property manager. Even if the seller and property manager are honest, overseas investors may run into huge problems because of legal and accounting issues. Investors often shy away from certain cities in the US because they have ridiculously biased landlord-tenant laws. They simply don't know which overseas locations have the same laws or worse.

There are some cases when overseas property investments make sense. If you have a special connection with an overseas area, you will be much more likely to make a smart investment. That is, if you are from a certain region or country, or have other reasons to visit there frequently, you'll know the area far better than other potential investors will. You probably speak the language and have friends who can answer your questions, or even visit your property in your absence. In addition, because you are visiting the area regularly anyway, the travel costs of going there won't be a "real expense" associated with the property investment. You may well decide to record that expense against the income from the investment, but you were planning to go to Bulgaria or Malaysia or Costa Rica anyway.

Even if you don't have this local connection, there is another potentially good reason to make that overseas investment. It's important to remember that many foreign countries are showing remarkable economic growth, much higher than the United States. For that reason, an overseas investment in one of those countries may promise annual returns in profit plus increased equity that are far better than you'll get in most American cities.

That means that if you are the kind of investor who doesn't mind taking a lot of risk for potentially a lot of reward, an overseas investment may work well. Or, here's another way to look at it - why not use some of that extra money to mitigate some of the extra risk? Suppose an overseas investment promises you $15,000 per year in positive cash flow, against an up-front investment of $100,000.

Spend $5,000 of that money doing extra due diligence to make sure the property deal works well, and will continue to perform well. Make another trip, find another expert, and do some additional research. You'll still get a 10% return, but with far less chance of losing money.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Intro - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (safari biking skopje, macedonia acreage pictures)

A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia by TravelPod blogger Tuparev_slavcho. See this TripWow and more at Intro "HOW TO COME TO THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA · BY AIR Through two international airports - Skopje and Ohrid. Macedonian airlines "Avioimpex" and MAT have regular connections from: Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Vienna, Zurich, Geneva, Copenhagen. Several international airlines have regular flights to Skopje/Ohrid. To come to the country you can use the neigh boring airports at Thessalonica, Belgrade Sofia and Tirana. Representative offices of the Macedonian airlines abroad: "MAT" - Dusseldorf tel. 211 3844650 fax 211 38446519 · BY ROAD The road communication makes the main transport network. The main international highway the E-75 crosses the country. Network of well maintained roads links its towns and its popular tourist areas. The Republic of Macedonia is linked with neigh boring and some West European countries by both regular and seasonal bus routes. Direct bus services with: Munich, Bonn, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Vienna, Malme, Gothenburg. Taxis are available everywhere at reasonable fares. You can rent a vehicle (with or without a driver) · BY RAIL An international train, operating twice daily, connects Ljubljana- Slovenia and Thessaloniki- Greece by way of Macedonia. Stops include Tabanovce (the Macedonia-Serbia border crossing point), Kumanovo, Skopje, Veles ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

romania flights

Air flights Moscow (DME) - Konstanta, Varna - Moscow (DME) on Boeing 737 Yamal airlines.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ash billow afresh area US flights to Europe

FULL: The European air power check office Eurocontrol read it due nearly 5000 flyings in European air space on Saturday, against 22000 normally. This compared with 10400 fledges against a orthogonal 28000 on Friday it identical, adapting figures from an older program line. The means same no landing places or takeoffs were potential for civilian aircraft in nigh of northern and big Europe, but flyings were taking place in southwestern Europe, taking Spain, the gray Balkans, southern Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. "Forecasts intimate that the corrupt of volcanic ash will remain and that the impact will continue for at least the incoming 24 hours," the way same in a program line earlier in the day. The means identical that of the 300 transatlantic fledges that willed usually arrive in Europe on a Saturday, only 73 fledges arrived in the morning, when about are scheduled to land. It said that in great of the fields affected, upper air space had become available, but it was difficult to admission this as in nigh cases surrounding domains were dingy by the ash tree fog.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Booking Your Vacation Online - The Reasons Why It Makes Sense

The face of the holiday industry has changed beyond all recognition in the past 10 - 15 years. No longer do we take the family down to the travel agent to browse through what seems like four volumes of travel brochures, looking for that one location that would make the whole vacation experience for that year different, then in we pick the same location that we have been to for the past 3 summers. Because of the way we travel nowadays and the growth of the inter web the world is a much smaller place and is continuing to get smaller as more and more airlines fly us to destinations further a field for less money. If chosen correctly a summer vacation can be found very economically and can be better than anything found in the window of a travel agent. So what can you find in the way of a summer vacation by booking yourself rather than going through the process at a travel agent?

The need for travel agents came about when the information that was accessible by the average traveler was at a minimum compared with today. Hotels locations, contact details and facilities were nigh on impossible to find in years gone by as there were no resources available to the once a year traveler other than that used by the travel agent. Add to this the fact that because many hotels were only used to dealing with big travel companies they were very reluctant to take a booking from the man on the street for a peak holiday time. As well as this fact if you could find a hotel it was generally dearer for you to book a room for you and your family direct with the hotel rather than through the travel agent as they would get a discount for block booking rooms.

The internet changed all of that as each individual hotel was not only competing for business from the holiday companies but each individual tourist could access the details of each hotel via the inter web, checking prices and comparing facilities of each hotel. Hotels had to get smarter and more competitive to ensure that their rooms were filled during the busiest time of the year and to do this they had to trim prices and be more accessible to the public. This was a massive boost for the public but terrible news for the travel agents who suddenly lost a huge chunk of their market directly to the hotels that they were previously promoting.

Picking the location of your holiday if you choose to arrange it for yourself is pretty simple, if you do not want to take ages trawling through pages and pages of useless information on the net then why not take advantage of other free resources that are designed to help you find a holiday with the minimum of fuss, the travel brochures from the travel agent! These are free and packed full of information regarding resorts, accommodation and the facilities at each location. Use these free brochures to choose your location and even find the details of the hotels that look the best and then contact the hotel direct and book your holiday.

Hotels are not your only choice when it comes to accommodation for your holiday. The internet is full of sites and information regarding villas and apartments that are for rent in every location imaginable. Most of theses web sites are managed by the people who own the villa or apartment so you should get straight answers to any questions you need answering regarding the property. These properties can be in any country in the world and generally are off the beaten track and away from usual tourist hotspots, giving you a more exclusive holiday experience. It is partly because of the growth of the inter web that so many of the newer holiday destinations such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungry and Estonia have seen such a fast rise in popularity. In countries such as Bulgaria [] holidays are very similar to how people remembered many of the more traditional destinations of 20 years ago, destinations that have changed beyond all recognition today.

So with the help of the inter web you should be able to find a more exclusive holiday destination as well as find it cheaper and also be able to book at low cost flight to many destinations and also arrange car hire. The reign of the travel agent as the vacation planning king is nearly over. The king is dead, long live the king.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bulgaria's Beautiful Black Sea Coastline

The beautiful and historically fascinating European nation of Bulgaria which became a fully fledged member of the EU in January 2007 is fast becoming a popular destination for international tourists.

Bulgaria is now easily and cheaply accessible from across Europe and the UK and therefore the long summer season from the beginning of May to the end of October becomes seaside holiday season in Bulgaria and from November to March there are plenty of winter sports to enjoy.

If you're thinking of visiting this fascinating nation you need to know where to begin so that you get the very most out of your visit - for example, you might want a city break in which case you'd be best advised to go to the capital of Bulgaria which is Sofia and to travel there in the spring or summer. If you're planning a winter ski trip or even a spring or summer hiking and biking adventure instead then you'd be best off visiting the mountainous interior...but the most commonly held opinion is that if you want to see the nation at its best you'll head for Bulgaria's beautiful Black Sea coastline in the summertime.

Bulgaria's coastline is home to everything from private islets to package holiday resorts, from ancient port towns to breathtaking cliff-top views - and a great place to begin an exploration of the best bits of the coastline is in a small town by the name of Sozopol.

Sozopol is reputed to be one the most ancient towns in the entire nation with a settlement recorded on the same spot dating as far back as the Bronze Age. Extensive underwater exploration has revealed anchors and relics dating back as far as the second and first millennia BC and to this day some of the best highlights of Sozopol are its ancient buildings, fort and relics.

Sozopol is also a bustling summertime seaside resort because it has pristine soft sandy beaches and because the waters of the Black Sea on this part of Bulgaria's coastline are warm and clean. There are also bars, restaurants, shops and plenty of exciting things to do and see in Sozopol making it a great location for all the family to enjoy a holiday.

Every year in September the town plays host to an international art and culture festival which showcases the very best in new talent as well as introducing famous names from the worlds of literature, film, theatre and dance for example. The Apollina Festival of Arts as it is known is taking place this year between the 31st of August and the 9th of September and the whole town of Sozopol comes to life.

If you fancy combining a trip to the festival with an exploration of Bulgaria's national parks and nature reserves you can also do so as Sozopol is within a short distance of the world famous Strandja National Park and Nature Reserve which is well worth a visit...this means you can have a two centre holiday and get to see and experience so much of the wealth of amazing sights, sounds and flavours that Bulgaria is becoming increasingly famous for.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Original and Authentic History of Krav Maga in Israel

The Birth of Krav Maga

Krav Maga is based on our most primitive and natural instincts. The Hebrew word "krav" means struggle and was first used in the Old Testament when Isaac wrestled with Gabriel, the angel of death. Although many Krav Maga building block techniques have existed for thousands of years, the self-defense system was developed, modernized, and fine-tuned during World War II and Israel's War of Independence by Emerich "Imi" Lichtenfeld (Sde-Or).

Born in 1910 in Budapest, Hungary, Imi grew up in Bratislava, Czechloslavakia. Imi's father, Samuel Lichtenfeld, joined a professional circus troupe, where he excelled in both wrestling and boxing. After developing extensive knowledge in fitness training along with wrestling, boxing, and mixed-skill fighting, Samuel joined the Czech police as a detective and led the force in arrests.

Samuel founded and ran the wrestling club and gym "Hercules," where he trained Imi and other young competitive athletes. Imi rapidly distinguished himself as a champion in judo, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and ballroom dancing, among other athletic pursuits. Imi also became a world-class gymnast, trained a ballet-dancing troupe, and starred as a stage show thespian in "Mephisto".

In 1935 Imi visited Palestine with a team of Jewish wrestlers to compete in the Jewish Maccabi sports convention. Unfortunately, Imi fractured a rib during a training accident and could not compete. This accident led to Imi's fundamental training principle emphasized in his own words: "don't get hurt." Imi quickly concluded that only real necessity justifies a "win at all costs" approach. These two tenets eventually fused to create Imi's Krav Maga training approach.

Imi returned to Czechloslavakia to face increasing anti-Semitic violence. As Nazi hatred infected Slovakia, Jews were increasingly victims of near constant violence. To protect the Jewish community from marauding fascists and anti-Semites, Imi organized a group of young Jews to protect his community. On the streets, Imi quickly learned the vital differences between sport martial arts competition and street fighting. While serving on the front lines to protect his community, Imi began to combine natural movements and reactions with immediate and decisive counterattacks.

These community self-defense activities made Imi a wanted man by the fascist Nazi occupational authorities. Nazi intolerance soon quickly reached a crescendo as the Germans began their systematic extermination of European Jewry. In May 1940, the Beitar Zionist Youth movement invited Imi to join them on the riverboat, Pentcho, bound for Palestine.

Imi steamed down the Danube through the hostile, yet unoccupied banks of Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania and then into the open Black Sea through the Turkish Straits. He and other refugees survived the hardships of man and nature, including a quarantine intended to starve them while marooned on the Romanian delta. Imi showed his selflessness by plunging into the water and saving a drowning child. Consequently he developed an ear infection that would plague him throughout his journey.

Upon entering the Aegean Sea, the Pentcho's engines failed, grounding the boat on a desolate island. Imi and three other refugees took a life boat and rowed for three days. Imi's ear infection gradually worsened and became life-threatening. A British airplane spotted them and summoned a British warship to rescue them. After receiving treatment for his ear-infection, Imi enlisted in the British supervised Free Czech Legion. After exemplary military service in the Middle East, Imi was released from the British Army following the German Afrika Korp's defeat at El Alamain in 1942. Imi was granted permission to remain in British-ruled Palestine. His friends then introduced him to the leaders of the Zionist community's defense organizations. Although Imi escaped to Palestine, his family remained behind. They all died during the war.

Israel's early leaders recognized Imi's fighting abilities, innovativeness, and his ability to impart this training to others. Imi began training the Palmach (elite fighting units), the Palyam (marine fighting units), and the Hagana, which would merge into the modern-day Zahal or Israeli Defense Force. This training included fighting fitness, obstacle training, bayonet tactics, sentry removal, knife fighting, stave/stick fighting and any other military-oriented problems that required a creative solution.

In 1948 Imi became the principal authority in close-quarters-combat for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He was in charge of training a disparate group of soldiers of all shapes, sizes, and abilities, many of whom did not speak the same language. He needed to develop a self-defense system that would work for not only spry eighteen-year-olds and elite fighting troops in prime physical condition, but also for middle-aged and graying reserve soldiers. He needed a system that soldiers could learn quickly, during their 3-week-long basic training. Finally, he needed a system that worked, one that soldiers could apply to any situation at any time intuitively and without hesitation.

A Fighting System that Works for All

Until the World War II era, traditional self-defense techniques left soldiers ill prepared to defend against armed attackers. As the fledging Israeli state formed, Imi knew its soldiers needed to learn a type of close-quarters combat that could protect them against firearms, explosives, and other modern threats. Thus, Krav Maga-the world's most effective close-quarters combat system-was born.

As he developed the method, Imi worked tirelessly to ensure Krav Maga success was not dependent on a practitioner's strength or expertise in any one combative including punching, kicking, grappling or throwing. He took all aspects of a fight, both armed and unarmed, into account.

Imi had studied many different fighting styles in his youth including boxing, wrestling, judo, jiujitsu, aikado and fencing. In 1948, Imi melded his knowledge of these various fighting disciplines together and created the complete fighting system now known as Krav Maga.

Merging Self-Defense with Close Quarters Combat

Until the advent of Krav Maga, self-defense and close-quarters combat were thought of as two distinct methodologies. Self-defense usually included situations in which a defender was unaware of an impending attack. In close-quarters-combat, two opponents are aware of the other's respective movements and perceived violent intent.

Krav Maga fuses the two disciplines into one fighting system, giving the trainee the tools needed to defend oneself both when taken by surprise as well as when one is well aware of your opponent. In Krav Maga, you'll learn to quickly react under any situation. A trainee learns to both neutralize an attacker as well as develop a fight strategy that may include defensive posturing, and movements, coordinated attacks and counter-attacks, and overall tactics.

For the next two decades, Imi served as chief physical fitness and Krav Maga instructor for the Israeli Defense Forces. The vast knowledge acquired through Krav Maga training prompted the military authorities to recognize Krav Maga as a distinct self-defense-close-quarters-combat system. Later, the Israeli Ministry of Education also granted Krav Maga state recognition for training in public schools.

From Soldiers to Civilians

Imi's teaching skills were often sought abroad. His lessons extended beyond just self-defense-close-quarters-combat training to emphasize character and moral training. For example, in 1960, when instructing a Royal Police Guard unit in Ethiopia, Imi realized during a bayonet defensive tactics lesson that several trainees had attempted not to learn with him, but to actually bayonet him. At the next training session, Imi rectified this uncooperative attitude by sprawling his attacker with a full force kick, halting any further "tests."

This incident prompted Imi to reinforce proper student attitude: "be humble." Proving oneself is not necessary. Humility and respect, Imi emphasized, prevents injury, loosing face, or turning away from Krav Maga or any other demanding pursuit as a result of frustration. In 1964, after retiring as chief instructor Imi, began to adapt his system for civilian use. This civilian form of Krav Maga is the focus of this book.

In 1970, he began teaching a state recognized Krav Maga instructor's course. He encouraged the instructors to join military, security, and police units or to establish themselves as professional instructors within the civilian community. Imi focused both on teaching professionals and adapting his system to provide ordinary civilians - men, women, and children - with solutions to avoid and/or end a violent encounter. In 1978, Imi, along with his senior students including his successor, current Grandmaster Haim Gidon, established the Ha Agudah L'Krav Maga Yisraeli or the Israeli Krav Maga Association (IKMA) in his hometown, Netanya, to promote Krav Maga throughout the world for both civilians and the professional security community.

About Grandmaster Haim Gidon

Grandmaster Haim Gidon (10th dan and IKMA President) was born in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1944 and moved to Israel in 1961. Haim fought in the Six Day War, War of Attrition, and Yom Kippur War. Prior to the 1967 War, Haim resumed his competitive boxing and decided to learn more about the Krav Maga principals he had learned in the military. In 1978, Haim helped Imi co-found the IKMA.

In 1994, Haim was elected as IKMA president and opened his current gym and the main training center for the IKMA located on Ben Zion Street, Netanya, Israel. In 1995, Imi entrusted Haim to grant 1st dan Krav Maga black belt and senior blackbelt levels. In an IKMA public ceremony, Imi awarded Haim Gidon 8th dan, an honor that promised that 9th and 10th dans "were to come" and designating him as Imi's successor.

Imi approved of Haim's additions and modifications to the Krav Maga system, especially the development of retzev, the extensive groundwork and weapons defense modifications.

Haim is a member of the Wingate Professional Committee (Israel's national sports institute). Haim has taught Krav Maga tactics for the last thirty years to Israel's law enforcement, security and military personnel. He has received special commendation from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies worldwide for his specific Krav Maga law professional training curriculum and his teaching expertise is requested worldwide.

A generous American philanthropist and supporter, Daniel Abraham, trained with Haim Gidon's partner and suggested that it be developed in the United States. Imi traveled to the United States with several English speaking senior instructors to promote the KRAV MAGA system. The first international KRAV MAGA assistant instructor's course was held in 1981 in Netanya, Israel. Three American instructors from the 1981 course, Rick Blitstein, Alan M. Feldman, and Darren R. Levine returned to the United States to become instrumental in KRAV MAGA's American expansion and development.

About The IKMA Professional Committee

The Israeli KRAV MAGA Association (IKMA) Professional Committee now assists Grandmaster Gidon. This professional committee includes the highest-ranking Israeli IKMA instructors, including Ohad Gidon, Yoav Krayn and Yigal Arbiv.

Ohad Gidon, 6th dan, is one of the highest-ranking instructors in Israel. Ohad began his training under Imi and other senior IKMA instructors. Ohad is now instrumental in it's development and curriculum, along with his father, Grandmaster Gidon. Ohad is recognized as a "senior coach" by Wingate.

Yoav Krayn, 5th dan, is one of the highest-ranking instructors having also trained with Imi and other senior instructors. Yoav has trained under Grandmaster Gidon since 1985 and serves as general secretary for the IKMA.

Yigal Arbiv,4th dan, is one of Grandmaster Haim Gidon's top instructors. After serving in an elite paratroop unit as a weapons specialist, Yigal attended Wingate to receive his "senior coach's" certification. Yigal is a professional security specialist and instructor.

Noam Gidon,4th dan, is Grandmaster Haim Gidon's third son and one of his top instructors. After serving in an elite unit in the Israel Defense Forces, Noam attended Wingate to receive his KRAV MAGA "senior coach's" certification and will graduate from the ultra-prestigious Technion University with a degree in computer science.

Using One's Head

Imi was once asked why he did not concentrate and commercialize blackbelt training materials into two years of study and charge a high fee. In response, Imi recalled a time he forced himself to learn a German poem verbatim knowing in advance he would be tested in the next twenty minutes. He recited the poem, received a well done from the teacher, and, subsequently, forgot the poem one minute later, for good. Rather than promote short-lived learning by rote, Imi emphasized developing a lasting ability. To accomplish this, he incorporated mental imagery into the training program. Imi often said, "it comes from the head." In other words, your training comes from your brain absorbing, retaining, translating, and combining your instincts and learning into action.

KRAV MAGA's Belt Ranking System

To help separate the KRAV MAGA system into manageable learning segments for civilians, Imi created a belt-ranking system and focused the system on the most common types of unarmed street attacks. KRAV MAGA's self-defense phase includes the first four belt levels of yellow, orange, green and blue, including more than one hundred joint lock and chokehold variations. After blue belt, it begins to emphasize advanced close-quarters-combat phases including weapon-against-weapon techniques. The most advanced black-belt levels (dans) focus on professional security and military applications along with teaching. A blackbelt kravist has mastered the seamless integration of the following non-exclusive categories:

Combatives (all manners of strikes, take-downs, throws, joint locks, chokes, ground fighting) and the corresponding combative defenses
Advanced rolling and fall-breaking
Weapon defenses, weapon retention and attacks
Third party hostage rescue situations and other professional applications.
When faced with a hostile situation you have the option: fight or flight. I cannot overstate the importance of avoidance, retreat, and escape. Escape from potential a confrontation is usually the best option. Escape, however, is not always possible. When you cannot escape, you fight. The self-defense techniques you will soon learn will help you to repel or neutralize an attack, causing minimum injury to the attacker, but preserving the option of more debilitating moves.

The Israeli Defense Force, National Police, and Security Agencies now train their personnel in KRAV MAGA. Such personnel use KRAV MAGA techniques nearly everyday to safeguard personal weapons, defend against unarmed and armed attacks, apprehend suspects, and perform other security-related activities. Since its inception, KRAV MAGA has helped to make the Israeli military one of the most feared and effective fighting forces in the world. As a result, the self-defense system continues to expand internationally, both among professionals and civilians. At the time of this writing, it was taught in more than two dozen countries.

Founder Imi Lichtenfeld established the non-profit Israeli KRAV MAGA Association (IKMA) in 1978 to promote KRAV MAGA throughout the world. After Imi's retirement in 1964 as the military's chief instructor of physical training and self-defense, he focused on adapting his system to provide both professional security agencies and ordinary civilians - men, women, and children - with solutions to avoid and/or end a violent encounter. Haim Gidon, the highest-ranking individual in the world at 10th degree black-belt, heads the organization as Imi's appointed successor. The IKMA sponsors worldwide programs and courses are available at the Association's main training facility in Netanya, Israel.

Grandmaster Haim Gidon, (10th dan and IKMA President) is a member of KRAV MAGA founder Imi Lichtenfeld's first training class in the early 1960's. Along with Imi and other top instructors, Haim Gidon co-founded the Israeli KRAV MAGA Association (IKMA) which he now heads as President. In 1995, Imi nominated Haim as the top authority to grant 1st dan KRAV MAGA black-belt and up. In an IKMA ceremony, Imi awarded Haim Gidon 8th dan and stated 9th and 10th dans "were to come" designating Haim as the highest ranking KRAV MAGA instructor. (Video clips of the ceremony are available at ).

Imi approved of Haim's adding extensive groundwork modified weapons defenses and other additions/improvements to the KRAV MAGA system.

Haim Gidon is also a committee member of the Wingate (Israel's national sports institute) professional committee representing the self-defense style of KM. Haim Gidon, as President and Grandmaster of the IKMA, has taught the Israeli Police defensive tactics for the last thirty years to Israel's security and military agencies

The Competing KRAV MAGA Organizations

Unfortunately, competing personalities split the IKMA into different camps and in 1994, after Grandmaster Haim Gidon was elected President, the other senior ranked belts left to form their own associations teaching their own interpretations. While Imi tried to maintain and support good relations with each of his competing instructors, Imi stood by his original organization. The International Federation (IKMF) run by Eyal Yanilov was formed in 1994. Worldwide Enterprises (KMWE) run by Darren Levine was formed in 1998 while the KRAV MAGA Association of America severed all ties with the IKMA in 1995 and teaches its own version of KRAV MAGA. Haim Zut formed his own association, in 1993 now known as Haim Zut Richard Douieb founded his own European association in the mid 1980's. Master Kobi Lichtenstein formed the South American Association in 1990.

The Israeli government recognizes the non-profit IKMA as the governing body for KRAV MAGA. Imi Lichtenfeld remained with his original KRAV MAGA organization, the IKMA, until his final days. Haim was duly elected President of the IKMA in 1994. After Imi awarded Grandmaster Gidon his 8th dan in 1996 announcing publicly that 9th and 10th dans were to come and, several members left the IKMA to form their own competing KRAV MAGA organizations. These organizations instruct KRAV MAGA according to their own interpretations and imitations.

Imi formally approved of Haim's modifications and additions to the curriculum which were not made available to these new competing KRAV MAGA organizations. Imi's designation of Haim Gidon as his successor indicates Imi's faith in his original organization while Imi and Haim's hometown, Netanya, Israel serves as the hub of learning and development. Many non-affiliated organizations use and have registered the IKMA's distinct kuf-mem logo without the IKMA's permission. The IKMA strongly opposes this and is challenging this misappropriation of its logo and goodwill.

The IKMA's representatives in the United States fought and defeated the attempted trademark of the name KRAV MAGA. We had to preserve the IKMA's ability to teach Israeli KRAV MAGA in the United States. We recognize this opened the floodgates to anyone claiming to be a KRAV MAGA instructor to teach his or her imitation of Israeli KRAV MAGA. This, indeed, may well lead to the degradation of KRAV MAGA's stellar reputation. However, as the original and longest standing KRAV MAGA organization founded in 1978, given the choice of the ability to teach in the United States using the name KRAV MAGA or being prohibited by an attempted trademark of the name KRAV MAGA, the choice was obvious. We fought and won.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where is the Best Place to Buy Investment Property? - The Best Locations Revealed!

If you are interested in buying investment property, then you are probably interested in earning as much as you can from your investment. This article answers the question, "where is the best place to buy investment property?"

There are so many places that are touted as being the next property hot spot or the next big thing that is going to take the property World by storm, that it can be confusing for the property investor to diffuse all the junk from the real facts.

Over the last 5 years, places such as Bulgaria, Dubai and Romania have emerged as solid places to buy property, that have experienced good capital growth.

Some of the best bargains in recent years have come from countries that have not yet found economic stability. They have been in the middle of a transition or some other huge change. Many have seen governments overthrown or leaders die. Events such as these can often herald the start of a new era in the countries development.

India has been a solid place to invest for years and still continues to be so. If you are thinking about investing in Indian real estate, you will have to decide on whether to go for somewhere like Goa or Delhi, both have strengths and weaknesses. The only way you can make the decision is by being clear on what your goals are and why you want to invest in the first place.

Slovak, Poland, and Czech Republic and are also getting increasing interest from property investors; however, with many of the people from these countries choosing to move abroad you have to ask yourself whether buying there is a good long-term decision. If people continue to emigrate at the rate they have been, in 6 years time are you going to be having problems finding tenants?

If you are still wondering where the best place to buy investment property is then property in Morocco might be what you are looking for. This isn't just because it is economically sound it is also because the king is actively investing, promoting and developing the country and he is actively seeking more investment from foreigners where as certain other countries discourage it.

Somewhere like Spain has lost some of its appeal, largely because of the price; however, Morocco is just a few miles away from Spain and enjoys the same type of weather and the prices of property are a fraction of what they are in Spain.

The one thing that is crucial to you deciding where to buy investment property is first to come up with reasons why you want to buy it, and to establish what your criteria for buying it will be; for example, is capital growth the most important thing or rental yield?

Without first finding the answers to these questions you might never really find the best place for you to buy property since what is someone else's property hot spot, might not be a hot spot for you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Icelandic volcano's aftermost above access in 1821 lasted two years

FULL: The European air power control office Eurocontrol read it had almost 5000 flights in European air space on Saturday, against 22000 unremarkably. This compared with 10400 flights against a regular 28000 on Friday it very, adapting figures from an early program line. The way identical no landing places or parodies were potential for civilian aircraft in most of northern and big Europe, but flights were making place in southwestern Europe, admitting Spain, the southwest Balkans, gray Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. "Forecasts intimate that the obscure of volcanic ash will die hard and that the impact will preserve for at to the lowest degree the next 24 hours," the authority read in a affirmation in the first place in the day. The authority said that of the 300 transatlantic flights of steps that passed on usually arrive in Europe on a Saturday, only 73 flights of stairs come in the morning, when most are scheduled to land. It identical that in some of the fields affected, upper air space had become available, but it was difficult to get at this as in virtually cases surrounding arenas were muddy by the ash cloud.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Manowar - Bulgarian canticle in Kavarna, from DVD

The best metal band - Manowar, performing the best anthem - the Bulgarian :) Live in Kavarna, Bulgaria, 30 june, 2007 The Bulgarian text of the anthem, in latin alphabet: MILA RODINO Gorda Stara planina, do ney Dunava siney, sluntse Trakiya ogryava, nad Pirina plameney. Pripev: Mila Rodino, ti si zemen ray, tvoyta hubost, tvoyta prelest, ah, te nyamat kray. English translation: DEAR MOTHERLAND Stately Stara planina, next to it the Danube sparkles, the sun shines over Thrace, flames over Pirin. Refrain: Dear Motherland, you are paradise on earth, your beauty, your charm, ah, they are boundless.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

(3/10)Battlefield II The Campaign in the Balkans Episode 3 (GDH)

SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS Romanian borders faced the USSR directly. Prime Minister Ion Victor Antonescu led Romania from 1940 to 1944. In late 1940 Romania was forced to surrender Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union and Transylvania to Hungry. The following day Antonescu requested the dissolution; of the Romanian parliament and constitution, from King Carol, and proclaimed himself Conducător (leader). The powerful Iron guard challenged Antonescus power grab and launched an unsuccessful coup. The Iron Guard was completely eliminated as a party, banned and its leaders expelled from the country. Romanias commitment to Operation Barbarossa was large. Romania recaptured valuable land from the USSR. It losses at Stalingrad shook the country. Romania signed a peace agreement with the USSR on September 12, 1944. Antonescu and four of his cronies were executed in 1946. Actual footage of the execution was filmed and is widely available on the internet. Yahoo search: Executia lui Antonescu Admiral Miklós Horthy, or sometimes known in the West as Nikolaus von Horthy, was Regent of Hungary from 1920-1944. Horthy was considered right wing, but not a fascist. Many requests placed on Horthy by Hitler were refused. Hungary joined the Axis powers in November 1940 and assisted in the invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941. Joining the Axis guaranteed Hungary new territory. Hungary invaded the Soviet Union, under the command of Army Group South on June 26th, 1941. The ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

NOZ pt.6

serbian movie,srpski film,balkan film,belgrade,republika srpska,macedonia,domaci film,bulgaria,croatia,bosnia,srbija

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cool Manali Holiday Packages

Manali is a famous hill station located in the heart of Himachal Pradesh. This hill station has some major tourist attractions that attract tourists from all parts of the world. Due to its cool and pleasant atmosphere all round the year, the hill station is ideal for all the honeymooners as well as the nature lovers. The Manali Holiday Packages take you to the land of tall deodar and pine trees, dense forests, fruit orchids, mineral springs, hot water springs, snow peaked mountains and ancient caves and temples. The Kulu Manali Packages are preferred by people having varied interests like honeymooners, vacationers and adventure seekers.

Most of the tourists who come for the purpose of visiting Manali do not leave the place without vacationing at Kulu. Kulu Manali is an ideal destination for the newlyweds. The Manali Honeymoon Packages offers the couple with a visit to all the vacation spots of the place along with accommodation in luxurious rooms and travel facilities. The Manali Holiday Packages also indulges the tourists in a number of adventure and sport activities like mountaineering, hiking, skiing, kayaking, mountain biking and trekking. Tourists from across the globe come all the way to this place just to be a part of these adventurous and daring sports.

One of the Manali Holiday Packages offers a luxurious stay in the Quality Inn Country Resort where you can live the life of a king in true terms. You can experience the ultimate ecstasy in the spa and health treatment with the soothing and natural herbs found in the Kulu valley. The hotels offer accommodation in twin sharing basis. The Kulu Manali Packages offer an ultimate way to relax and rejuvenate your inner self and give you the silence you want, keeping you away from the noisy city life.

The Manali Honeymoon Packages offer you a chance to spend your honeymoon in the best promising manner, making it as memorable and eventful as possible. The couples are served breakfast and dinner on a regular basis throughout their stay in the hill station. The package also ensures that you are provided with an air conditioned car for visiting and sightseeing all the important tourist spots. Moreover, the Manali Holiday Packages welcome you with fragrant flowers and cake on your arrival at Shimla. These packages offer you a lifetime opportunity to visit the most attractive and romantic hill stations of the country.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Plovdiv Airport, BG_presentation.wmv

Plovdiv Airport is located 12 km South-East of Plovdiv - second biggest city in Bulgaria. Plovdiv was recently announced the oldest city in Europe and 6th oldest in the world.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

International Vampire Mythology

Modern mythology surrounding the Vampire is attributed to south eastern European countries like Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania. The general belief that Vampires are reborn from the corpse of a person bitten by a Vampire during life has contracted from the original myth, which claimed witches, evil people and suicide victims would rise from the grave in the guise of a Vampire.

It is thought vampire myths from this region developed in the ninth century, the result of conflicting beliefs between paganism and Christianity. Other reasons as to the cause of Vampirism include conceiving a child of specific days or being born with teeth or a tail or a caul (a membrane over a newborn's head). Any child that died before it was baptized risked becoming a Vampire, and the seventh child of the same sex in a family would be a Vampire. The same fate awaited the child born of a mother who didn't eat salt or a mother who was looked at by a Vampire or a witch during pregnancy. Excommunication, suspicious and unusual deaths and improper burial rites increased the chances of becoming a Vampire.

There were certain measures to prevent the change. Cauls were carefully removed from the newborn's head and disposed of before the baby could eat any. The dead were carefully prepared for burial - a crucifix or the branch of a wild rose was sometimes placed inside the coffin. Millet or poppy seeds were often scattered in the grave because Vampires are apparently fascinated with counting. Inserting blocks under the deceased chin would prevent the corpse from eating its shroud, as would nailing the shroud to the side of the coffin. In extreme cases the corpse would be pierced with thorns or wooden stakes. Careful measures were taken to stop animals from passing over the corpse before interring.

If a family member began throwing objects around the house it became cause for suspicion. Evidence of a Vampire's move into an area could be seen by multiple deaths of people and livestock. To check if the Vampire was masquerading among the living garlic would be distributed at church. Anyone who wouldn't eat the garlic was considered a Vampire. Sometimes a corpse would be exhumed and checked for Vampire qualities. Children's graves were opened three years after death to check for signs of Vampirism. A young person's grave was opened after five years and an adult's was checked after seven years. If the exhumed body appeared in a lifelike state with new growth of hair and fingernails or had moved a foot into a corner of the coffin then it was obvious it had morphed into a Vampire. If the corpse had blood in its mouth, a ruddy complexion to the face or a swollen body then action had to be taken.

Methods for destroying Vampires included a wooden stake through the heart, decapitation and insertion of garlic into the severed head's mouth, burning the corpse, throwing holy water in the grave, repeating the funeral service or performing an exorcism. By the 19th century bullets were fired into suspicious coffins, while the more resistant occupants would be exhumed, dismembered and burned. The residue was mixed with water and given to the deceased family for a beneficial cure. Preventative long-term measures to keep vampires at bay included placing garlic on windowsills and rubbing it on cattle.

Here is some information about Vampire beliefs from different cultures:


The Bhuta is the soul of a person who has had an untimely death. At night it wanders around as an animated corpse, attacking the living. The Brahmaparusha has a head encircled with intestines and a skull it uses to drink blood. Kali is the most famous Indian Vampire. Depicted with fangs and wearing a garland of corpses or skulls she has four arms, and her temples were placed close to cremation sites. Legend claims she fought the demon Raktabija, who had the unique ability of being able to reproduce from a single drop of blood. Kali drank all his blood, spilling not one drop which meant Raktabija was killed.


In the Gypsy culture Vampires are not restricted to human beings. A plant, a dog or cat or even a farm animal could transform. Even melons and pumpkins kept too long in the house would begin to make noises, move or leak blood. Anyone unfortunate enough to be considered ugly or suffering an abnormality like a missing finger was considered a vampire. The Vampire Mullo returns from the dead to punish a variety of people. Anyone it believed had caused its death, someone who'd kept the deceased possessions instead of destroying them according to Gypsy law or anyone who had not observed the correct burial rites was targeted. Punishment included sucking the guilty party's blood or inflicting malicious personal injury. A female Vampire could marry and lead a normal life, but would ultimately exhaust her husband. To keep Vampires at bay steel or iron needles were driven into a corpse's heart and steel pieces placed in the ears and mouth, over the eyes and between the fingers at burial. Hawthorn might be placed in the corpse's sock or a stake of hawthorn pushed through the legs. In extreme cases stakes would be driven into the grave... or the corpse would be covered in boiling water... or decapitated... or burned.


In addition to excommunication Greeks believed anyone failing to observe a holy day could become a Vampire. The same belief applied to people committing serious crimes, those who died alone or a person who ate the meat of a sheep killed by a wolf. If a cat leaped over the grave before interment the corpse would rise as a Vampire. A corpse would be exhumed three years after burial, and the family would place the bones in a box. Wine would be poured over them, and a priest would bless the deceased. If the corpse was not decomposed it would be treated as a Vampire.

The Carribean.

The Loogaroo is a female creature whose magical powers are attributed to the nightly donation of blood to the Devil. To source the blood she visits the Devil Tree, sheds her skin and transforms into a flame or a ball of bright light, haunting the night in search of blood for her master. When she has sufficient blood she returns to the tree and dons her skin and her familiar humanoid shape. The Loogaroo is afflicted with the familiar Vampire obsession of counting, so a pile of sand or rice left outside the door will force her to stop her bloody search and count the grains. Hopefully she will still be counting at dawn, and will be forced to return to her skin without collecting blood.


The Adze usually appears as a firefly, but it will assume a human shape if captured. Its diet consists of coconut milk, palm oil and blood, and it hunts children. Another being with vampire tendencies is the Lightning Bird, also know by its traditional name Impundulu. The size of a human this black and white bird summons thunder and lightning using its wings and talons, and is sometimes a witch's familiar, protecting the witch from any enemies. As well as an unquenchable appetite for blood it can transform into a handsome man in to seduce women. The Asanbosam has iron teeth and hooks for feet. It lives in trees, flying down to attack its victims' thumbs. The Ramanga evolved from a race of servants forced to eat the nail parings and drink any blood lost by their masters. Should the master cut himself or be wounded in battle the Ramanga would lick the wounds, restoring his master to full health.


Jiang Shi is formed when a deceased person's soul cannot leave the body. The corpse hops around, absorbing the life essence of the people it kills. Their skin is greenish-white and covered in fur. They can be avoided by holding one's breath, because they use their victims' breath to track them. Jiang Shi will not enter a house where a 15 cm (6 inch) piece of wood is fixed across the doorway.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interesting Facts About Olympic Nations - France

Did you know?

France is the birthplace of Pierre de Coubertin, who is the father of the Olympic Movement. This Frenchman was born on January 1, 1863 in Paris. Pierre once said, "The Olympic Movement gives the world an ideal which reckons with the reality of life, and includes a possibility to guide this reality toward the great Olympic idea".

The Summer Olympic Games were held in Paris in 1900. For the first time, sportswomen were allowed to compete in the Olympics ( six tennis players ). France won first place in the Games with 26 gold, 41 silver and 34 bronze medals.

Marie-José Pérec was one of France's greatest sportswomen. She was born in Guadeloupe ( Caribbean island ) and moved to France with her mother when she was sixteen. Marie-Jose became the second female athlete in the history of the Olympic Games to sweep the 200m and 400m ( Atlanta'96 ).

Like Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana and Reunion, New Caledonia -French territory in Oceania- is not member of the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ). Why? France does not allow its territories to compete in the Olympics. For this reason, New Caledonia's athletes can not compete in the Olympic Games. Unlike Guam ( American territory ), Aruba ( Dutch territory ) and Bermuda ( British territory ), it did not compete in the 2004 Olympics. Ironically, New Caledonia has several famous sportspeople in the South Pacific. Aquatics: Olivier Saminadin, Thomas Dahlia, Thomas Chacun, Reine-Victora Weber, Lara Grangeon, Diana Bui-Duyet, Adeline Williams and Gilles Durnesnil. Archery: Laurent Clerte, Emmanuel Guilhard, Henry Shiu, Isabelle Soeno and Sylvena Plazenet. Athletics: Vaikula Elise Takosi, Candice Soulisse, Erwin Casser, Bertrand Vili, Eric Frederic, Bina Ramesh, Eric Revillard, Phoebe Wejieme and Daniel Kilamo. Badminton: Nicolas Martoredjo, Florent Mathey, Marc-Antonie Desaynoz, Johanna Kou and Cecile Sarengat. Boxing: Christophe Lestage, Ataale Gyan and Hannequin Benoit. Judo: Sandrine Perel, Kyo Lussaud, Melissa Kaddour, Stephane Courtine, Jonathan Berger, Cyril Chevalier, Paul Dulac, Abedis Trindade de Abreu, Vaea Chadfeau and Diane Hillaireau. Sailing: Chrisptophe Renaud, Alban Rossollin, Feri Malhieu, Michael Borde, Cawle Dabin and Paiscillia Poaniewa. Shooting: Theodore Tein Weiawe, Fabrice Azarro and Phillipe Sinoni. Table tennis: Frederic Quach, Laurent Sens, Maxime Bataihard, Ornella Bouteille and Alexandra Heraclide. Taekwondo: Annie Odino, Kevin Belhameche, John Trouilet and Arnord Sariman. Tennis: Julien Couly, Elodie Rogge and Nickolas Ngodrela. Triathlon: Oliver Bargibant, Stephane Lacroix and Benedicte Meunier. At the last South Pacific Games held in Apia ( Samoa / formerly Western Samoa ) in November 2007, it finished 1st among 22 countries and territories. Certainly, New Caledonia has won more international gold medals per capita than any other country of the South Pacific.

Paris hosted the FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship in 1986. Final standings: 1.United States, 2.USSR ( currently Russia ), 3.Bulgaria, 4.Brazil, 5.Cuba, 6.France, 7.Argentina, 8.Czechoslovakia (currently Czech Republic/Slovak Republic), 9.Poland, 10.Japan, 11.China, 12.Italy, 13.Greece, 14.Venezuela, 15.Egypt, 16.Taiwan.

Jean Schopter became the first Frenchman to win the Roland Garros in 1892.

France send 243 athletes to the 1984 Los Angeles Games. It participated in 19 sports: archery ( 2 ), athletics (45), basketball ( 12 ), boxing ( 4 ), kayak ( 14 ), cycling ( 16 ), equestrian ( 11), fencing ( 20 ), football ( 17 ), gymnastics ( 9 ), wrestling ( 16 ), modern pentathlon ( 3 ), rowing ( 22 ), shooting ( 15 ), swimming ( 19 ), tennis ( 4 ), weightlifting ( 2 ), wrestling ( 8 ), sailing ( 12 ).

This European country won the gold medal in soccer at the 1984 Olympic Games in the United States.

France is the birthplace of fencing. Fencing was made part of the official program for the Olympics at the 1896 Athens Games.

Paris has hosted the Summer Olympics in 1924. There were 3,092 athletes from 44 countries who competed in 19 sports: athletics, aquatics, boxing, cycling, diving, equestrian, fencing, gymnastics, modern pentathlon, polo, rowing, rugby, sailing, shooting, soccer, tennis, water polo, weightlifting, wrestling. France came third with 13 golds, 15 silvers and 10 bronzes.

Eunice Barber is one of the most famous athletes in France. She was born on November 17, 1974 in Freetown, Sierra Leone ( Western Africa ), the world's poorest country. Eunice says, "I was fortunate to grow up in Sierra Leone, an English-speaking African country where sport is very present". For political and economic reasons, she moved to France when she was 18 years old. In the 1990s, Sierra Leone had one of Africa's bloodiest civil wars. More than 70,000 Africans had been killed and 150,000 had left the country. Under the banner of Sierra Leone, Eunice finished fifth in the heptathlon competition at the 1996 Olympic Games in the United States. For many sportswriters and experts, her Olympic performance was amazing. Three years later, she become a French citizen.

Top performances:

1999: European Cup-1st heptathlon

1999: World Cup-1st heptathlon

2003: IAAF World Championships- 1st long jump, 2nd heptathlon

2003: European Cup-1st long jump

2003: IAAF World Athletics Final-1st long jump

2005: IAAF World Championships-2nd heptathlon, 3rd long jump

2005: IAAF World Athletics Final-4th long jump

2006: European Cup-2nd long jump

Eunice's favourites:

Movie stars: Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore

Music: From French to pop music

Hobbies: Theater, cinematography, music, reading

Fashion designers: Issey Miyake and Jean Paul Gautier

Music artists: Celine Dion, Withney Houston, Wyclef Jean.